Friday, August 28, 2009

The Essentials of Core Values

"How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us,
and, keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and
to know what really matters most." -Stephen Covey
Every now and then I like to munch on some chicken nuggets and whenever I get a taste for them I make a trip to Chick-fil-a. To me, their chicken nuggets are awesome! I am sure you are wondering what does Chick-fil-a have to do with purpose. It is my belief that there are many things in the natural we can use to explain spiritual truths and principles.

S. Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-a said, "Our decision to close on Sunday was our way of honoring God and directing our attention to things more important than our business." It is this fundamental belief which is the premise for how Chick-fil-a has been doing business since the opening of its first restaurant in 1967. How profound for a business man to publicly state that there are more important things in life than their business. This principle is embedded in the organization's core values.

Core Values are operating philosophies or principles that guide your internal conduct (how you deal with yourself) as well as your relationships with others. Core values uniquely define how you operate, function and live, as an individual. For example, integrity, faith, determination and excellence are considered core values or operating principles.

Here are some essentials to assist with defining your core values:
  • Take a fresh look at who you are and what you believe
  • Assess how your core values align with your purpose
  • Core values assist in your ability to make life choices and business decisions
  • Connect your core values with your purpose to become a peak performer

To your destiny...defined!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Getting Ready for Vacation and a New Blog Series

In three days my husband and I are about to embark on our first driving vacation since we have been married. I am really excited, not only about going to Disney World, but about the journey. Sometimes I think we are so consumed with getting to the destination that we miss the lessons of the journey. This is certainly a principle you can apply to your life while in pursuit of purpose.

I have promised my husband (and myself) that I would not do any "real" work while we are on vacation, however, I will be preparing myself to return with a new blog series. But before we leave for vacation I will be posting a blog on Friday discussing "The Core Values of Purpose". If you really want to know the foundation for your purpose, be sure to visit the blog on this Friday to get your dose of purpose! Until then...

To your destiny, defined!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Your Destiny, Defined

Over the past few weeks I have been very engaged with a number of projects. I took a moment to assess each one to determine if they ALL were actually aligned with my destiny. Of course it was a reality check to find out that EVERY project I have on my plate is not destiny aligned.

As the summer begins to wind down and some of the free time you had available during the summer months begins to take a seasonal leave of absence, this is a good time to assess all of the projects you have lined up for the remainder of the year. Determine whether or not ALL of those projects are truly destiny aligned. Now please don't get me wrong, there are surely somethings on your "to-do" list that require your attention and you need "to-do" them! But what I am really talking about is using your time purposely, wisely and with your destiny in mind.

Use this time to really define your destiny. You say you are destined to help women, but what does that really mean? I used to work with an actuarial vendor who uses the term "drilling down". What it means is that instead of looking at things from a high level perspective you go beneath the surface. So if you "drill down" helping women you have to decide if it is married women, single women, battered women, career women, etc. Defining your destiny helps to create your goals which are vital to the development and progression of your purpose and destiny.

Plan the activities that will build your goals to support your purpose which define your destiny!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Quest for Wellness with Guest Blogger: Doreen Whitelock

Every now and then I come across information that I think is very usefull and look forward to sharing with the Purposed by Design blog followers. Please enjoy Doreen Whitelock of My Choice Life as she shares wellness tips.

Your Quest for Wellness…

How are you feeling today? Are you exuberant and filled with life? If so, Congratulations, you are obviously doing something right! Keep it up!

You know we all want be well and feel great. But what are you actually doing to get there? There are so many possibilities but where do you start?

Believe it or not, it all starts with you… It all begins with a choice. A great choice! Your choice! Your choice or to do something, big or small, today, so you can start getting well. Here is a list of simple changes that have helped thousand of others including me.

You can choose to:
1. Get quality sleep
2. Drink more Water (amazing how much this helps)
3. Meditate (On God’s word and other beautiful things)
4. Enjoy a new Cuisine (I became a vegetarian)
5. Exercise regularly without overtaxing
6. Continually build a life of Peace and Harmony
7. Discover and create places of beauty in the middle of hectic suburbia
8. Explore new nutritional opportunities for my unique situation
9. Daily find ways to be happy and thankful

These are simple but powerful changes that can make a huge difference in your life too. Create for yourself and enjoy a healthier and happier lifestyle! It’s all up to you.

I hope these Simple changes help in your quest of being well! You can do it! You just have to go for it!

Do great things and Be Well,
Doreen Whitelock

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Walt Disney: The Ultimate Dreamer

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney

Walt Disney, one of the greatest dreamers and visionaries of all time had an innate ability to understand that you have the power to bring your dreams to life, not only for yourself but for others as well.

While preparing for our upcoming family vacation to Disney World, I began thinking about the vision of Mr. Disney himself. He said that his vision was "of a place where children and parents could come have fun together". That was his starting point and from there millions of families around the world enjoy the manifestation of his dream at five Disney theme parks around the globe. However, Disney himself never saw the realization of his dream. He died a few years before the first park was completed.

Walt Disney was a high school drop out at the age of 16, rejected by the Army because he was underage and joined the Red Cross as an ambulance driver! But in spite of his modest beginnings Walt Disney believed enough in his vision that people helped to bring it to pass even after his death.

What’s my point? My point is that we all have dreams, however some of us pursue them and some of us don’t. People will participate in your vision only to the point where YOU believe in your vision. If you have dreams and a vision that seems impossible think about Walt Disney who in the 1960’s was able to bring his dream to life. You can bring your dreams to life if you have the courage to pursue them.


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