Friday, September 25, 2009

Living on Purpose

I guess you may have been wondering where I have been and what I have been doing.

I have been living on purpose! Since returning from vacation purpose has been in full throttle and I am enjoying every minute of it. So with this new level in life I have to balance publishing projects, Purposed by Design seminars, the launch of Victorious Living for Women along with being a wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend. Obviously, with all of this going on "life balance" would be a good topic to discuss on the blog. We will do that real soon.

Beginning on Monday we are going to start our series "What's Blocking Your Purpose". We will identify and discuss several things which could potentially be the reason you feel that your life is not one of purpose. We will discuss beliefs, relationships, procrastination and a couple of others.
So we will be back on track and look forward to seeing you on the blog!

Be victorious,

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sharing with Joyce Meyer

Since I am still on vacation but couldn't resist posting something to the blog, here is a video of Joyce Meyer sharing some biblical principles. The blog postings will resume on Wednesday, September 9, 2009. In the meantime...enjoy!!


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