Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Birthing Your Dreams

On January 20, 2009 Barack Obama was bestowed with the title of Mr. President. As millions of people watched this historical event there was something taking place unseen to the natural eye – the shift. With a few words recited by President Obama his entire life changed. Of course his life had already taken a shift in some areas; however, this day symbolized a shift in power!

There is always a natural example to explain or demonstrate a spiritual truth and this scenario demonstrates that the power of life is in the tongue. Once President Obama finished reciting the oath of office people across this nation erupted in cheers, cried tears of joy and pride. The dream of one translated into the dream of many. The reality of what the world witnessed were words spoken over forty-five years ago by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 28, 1963 in Washington, DC – another dreamer! If these dreamers can speak their dreams and they become reality, why can’t we as believers speak into existence our very own dreams? Why can’t we speak life to our dreams in order to make them a reality? Here are some steps to help birth your dream:

1) Be sure that your dream is God’s will for your life. Your dream should be embedded in God’s purpose for your life. This is a conversation between you and God. Spend time with God so that He can reveal to you the plans He has for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11)

2) Speak the Word of life to your dreams so that they may live.

3) Write the vision for your dream and prepare yourself in the area of your dream (school, business classes, networking, etc).

4) Surround yourself with “dream cheerleaders”. These are the people who support and encourage you along the way.

5) Guard your dream. Do not allow anyone to speak against your dream. Protect it at all cost. It is your dream!

6) Don’t expect everyone to embrace your dream. Some people will think you are talking crazy when you share the dream you have been given. You are the nurturer of your dream.

7) Have a couple of mentors. People you can go to for guidance, counsel and wisdom. These are people who have charted the territory before you and can help you to avoid rough waters along the journey. But remember to not only have them in your life, but listen to them. If you chose them that should mean you also trust them.

8) Build covenant relationships. The covenant connections you make are potentially the covenant relationships you build. These relationships are most often the ones who help you move from one place to the next during your journey. Covenant relationships are the people who connect you through your transition points.

9) Stay faithful. Things don’t happen overnight. It may take you years to see the realization of your dream, but stay the course.

10) When your dream becomes a reality ALWAYS remember to thank the people who supported you through this journey. Never ever forget them!

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