Monday, July 13, 2009

Kingdom Attitude Series: DREAMS

I was never really a huge Michael Jackson fan; however, he did have a few songs which really caught my attention. Most times it was because of the beats…not the words. But the song Remember the Time really caught my attention because it talks about remembrance. While you read this article that is exactly what I want you to do…Remember the Time.

Do you know that God designed you with a specific purpose and customized your dreams just for you? The dreams, thoughts and ideas you had while growing up and the ones you continue to have were programmed within you long before now. God embedded you with those dreams to impact the world! Remember when you wanted to drive the best car, live in the best house and wear the best clothing? Remember when you wanted to help women overcome self-esteem issues, but then your self-esteem took a plummet and you felt you could no longer help others. Remember when you wanted to write a book but someone along your path told you that you didn’t have the resources to have your book become successful? Remember when you wanted to become a singer, dancer or a world renowned musician? Remember when you wanted to start a class for young girls to teach them charm, etiquette and social graces? Where did all of those dreams go to die? At what point in your life did you allow the enemy to rob you of your dreams? When did you start listening to the enemy tell you that you could not accomplish your dreams? Just know that those dreams are not dead. They continue to reside within you. I am sure that from time to time you re-visit those dreams in your mind and spirit.

Too many of us have allowed our dreams to be stolen in the middle of the night or snatched away in the light of day. When life becomes too great we found it easy to abandon our dreams. Many times dreams are the first casualty during someone’s life journey. My husband has a question that he used to quote when we first met. His question was “where do dreams go to die?” But the real issue here is when and why do we abandon our dreams? We allow our lives to get so out of control that our dreams are no longer within our reach.

While learning to hold onto my dreams I came up with a statement to help me keep all of my dreams in the forefront of my mind. DREAMS are daily reminders of everything we can achieve with motivation and have success!! Our dreams should be the catalyst which motivates us to live our best life.

Dream Challenge:
Write down all of your dreams on a piece of paper. Cross off each dream which has already manifested in your life. From this list make a new list with the remaining dreams and put in them in order of priority. Keep this list handy and review it daily. Include it in your daily confessions and prayer time. The key to this list is to make certain that every dream on your list is what God has planned and ordained for your life. If they are, commit to doing the work to make each dream a reality in your life. When you find yourself becoming discouraged go back in your mind and spirit and “remember the time” when God promised you that He would bring your dreams to pass.

Meditation Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11

Note: This was actually created two months before the passing of Michael Jackson!

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl,

    Thanks for this post. I've been doing a lot of thinking about my dreams and what I want to do with those I pushed aside.



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