Monday, July 20, 2009

S-M-A-R-T Goals for Your Purpose - Specific

My next few blog entries will cover the components of setting S-M-A-R-T Goals as they relate to your purpose. As we begin this series there is one thing I would like for you to remember, goals are not activities. Activities are used to help support the specific goal which is an outcome.

The first in our goal setting series is: Specific

Specific – Having a specific goal creates a clearer path to your goal becoming a reality.

Goal setting is helpful if you can answer the following questions:
Who: Who (or what) that is needed to implement the goal successfully?
What: What do I want as the end result?
When: When is the target completion for this goal? (set a date, day and time)
Why: Why is this goal beneficial to the overall completion? (Give specific reasons or benefits)

Our next component will be: Measureable

Be sure to share this blog with your friends to help them find their purpose by igniting the passion within, maximizing their full potential which will help them to live their best life!

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